Saturday, 6 June 2015

Just a quick announcement regarding Mother's mental state.

Having spent all her life in absolute fear of birds (of any kind),  Mother has kindly transferred her phobia on to me and I now live in fear of these creatures also.  However, with every cloud comes a silver lining and my developed fear of birds has somehow eradicated Mother's fear. 'Mother's instinct' has meant that the protective part of her has flown into action and therefore must face my fear by ignoring her own. Anyway, the point is, Mother has (obviously) over-corrected and now is not only fearless of birds and accepting of them, she frequently speaks to them. Not a problem in itself, of course. However, the last couple of days we have had the presence of a blackbird in the garden. Of course there is no evidence of it being the same bird. Mother has taken it upon herself to befriend this bird, name her Belinda and discuss with me the pros and cons of fashioning a little skirt for Belinda. Mockingly I suggest scouting out a lead and collar while she's at it, of which she is now considering whole-heartedly.

N.B. Jane - I will ensure the well-being of Belinda, do not worry.

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